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Our Impact

Job Creations

 Through our operations, we have created 541 jobs, contributing to local economic growth and providing employment opportunities for individuals in our community.

Empowering Women Sales Agents

We have empowered over 22,000 women as sales agents, allowing them to earn an income while distributing our products. This not only benefits them economically but also empowers them with a sense of independence and agency.

Keeping more girls in school

By ensuring girls have access to menstrual products, we help them stay in school throughout their menstrual days, preventing absenteeism and enabling them to pursue their education without interruption.

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I am a distributor of Pad-Up Menstrual kits and baby diapers in Onitsha, Anambra state. This is the easiest way to make more money and care for your family. Join me now.
I use Pad-Up Menstrual kit. It is one of the best decisions that I have made in my life. I have no rashes, no burns or irritation like before. Don’t waste more time, switch today
I work with Pad-Up Creations Limited as a warehouse assistant. I have been working here for over 3 years. I am always proud of the opportunities as I do not struggle to take care of myself and family. I am super grateful for this opportunity and pray that the company continues to grow more and more
Aisha Baba
Sales Agents
0 M
Girls/Women Trained